
3 Home Remedies to Help You Quit Smoking

Do you have a compulsive need to smoke? Worry no more! In this article, we’re going to tell you what smoking addiction is, its signs and symptoms, causes, and remedies to help you quit.

So, What’s Smoking addiction?

Smoking addiction involves the regular use of tobacco. Nicotine is the main addictive chemical in tobacco that makes it hard to quit. Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use. This happens even in the face of negative health effects. 

Most smokers would wish to quit smoking, and every year almost half try to stop permanently. Nicotine releases pleasing effects in your brain. However, these will temporarily make you reach for another cigarette. The more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel good. 

Trying to quit will make you experience unpleasant physical and mental changes-symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. According to CDC, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year in the U.S. More than 41,000 deaths occur each year among passive smokers. This is about 1,300 deaths each day – 1 in 5 deaths annually. 

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Smoking Addiction?

For some individuals, using any quantity of tobacco can easily cause nicotine dependence. Here are some of the signs and symptoms you might experience:

  • You Distance Yourself From Social Activities.

You might stop socializing with friends and family or going to smoke-free restaurants because you can’t smoke in such an environment. 

  • You Can’t Stop smoking.

You’ve had several attempts to stop smoking but haven’t been successful.

  • You Keep Smoking Despite Your Health Issues.

Despite developing health problems with your heart and lungs, you still can’t stop smoking.

  • You Develop withdrawal Symptoms when You Attempt to Quit.

Your attempts to quit smoking have caused mood-related and physical symptoms, such as restlessness, anger, diarrhea, strong cravings, elevated hunger, constipation, difficulty concentrating, irritability, depressed mood, anxiety, and insomnia.

What are the Causes of Smoking Addiction?

When nicotine reaches your brain within seconds of taking a puff, it’ll increase the neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that assist in regulating behavior and mood. 

Dopamine is then released in the brain’s reward center, causing improved mood and feeling of pleasure. Nicotine quickly becomes intertwined with your feelings and habits and part of your daily routine.

Some of the common triggers of smoking tobacco include:

  • Drinking coffee
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Spending time with friends who’re smokers.

Remedies to Help You Quit Smoking

  1. Consume Diet Rich in Vitamin C.

Smoking reduces the quantity of vitamin C in your body. Consuming many foods rich in vitamin C, such as cabbage, broccoli, leafy vegetables, oranges, and kiwis, can help sustain your vitamin C intake. 

Vitamin C is crucial in keeping your body protected and keeping it healthy. It also helps maintain healthy blood vessels and healthy skin, which smoking habits may have destroyed.

  1. Exercise

Physical activity can help distract you from cravings. Even short bursts of physical activity, such as running up and down the stairs, can help drive tobacco craving away. You could also opt to jog or go for a walk in the park.

If you’re stuck in the office or at home, try walking up and down the stairs, pushups, knee bends, and squats. You could also try journaling, woodwork, needlework, or praying, especially if a physical activity doesn’t interest you. Doing chores such as filing paperwork and vacuuming can help with distractions.

Going outdoors for fresh air can keep your mind off smoking. Cycling, swimming, and attending gym classes can distract you from withdrawal symptoms. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which help you feel energized and positive.

  1. Vaping

Vaping cannabis can help regulate the satiety, mood, pain, and sleep/wake cycle. It fights headaches, regulates blood pressure, and promotes good sleep. The crucial compounds found in cannabis and other herbs require a certain minimum temperature to “activate”; therefore, setting your vaporizer to the right temperature when vaporizing is crucial.

Studies reveal that cannabis can relieve some physical symptoms of tobacco withdrawal. This can help you get through the withdrawal period successfully.

Studies show a direct dependence between vaping and tobacco smoking. Therefore, a 2013 research revealed that nicotine-dependent people reduced cigarette consumption by 40% while vaping. Moreover, it reduced the pleasure of smoking tobacco.

Another study shows that smokers taking cannabis felt less motivated to smoke tobacco. In this study, 30 smokers took 800mg of cannabis after a night of tobacco abstinence. It was reported that the participants felt less pleasure from watching other individuals smoking a cigarette. This research showed that it was easier for the participants to ignore tobacco stimuli.


Despite how long you’ve smoked, quitting can improve your health. It’s not easy, but you can break your nicotine dependence using the remedies mentioned above. However, you could always seek further medical attention if your withdrawal symptoms persist. Quitting smoking will need you to be aware of your triggers and avoid them.

Whether you’re looking for a complementary or natural remedy to help you quit smoking, work with a specialist who can help you develop a plan. This will help you manage your withdrawal symptoms.

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