
Travel with Raj Passy

Photo and Article by Raj Passy 

I love travel and photography. I also use my documentary style to capture weddings and events.

I grew up as a bit of a nomad living in 8 different countries by the time I was 19. I had the privilege of growing up with people from many cultures, speaking local languages and living in a new country every 3 years.

I’m fascinated by difference and this has been key in shaping my photography. The feeling of being lost in an unfamiliar place excites me and it’s something I actively seek out.

I wanted to share a small collection of images from my travels that show how cultures, despite apparent differences, are really very similar.

Monk taking a pic of monk
It’s a common misconception that Buddhist monks have given up all worldly goods and live a life of isolation in remote temples. I thought this image said ‘one world’ quite well. To me it shows we are all similar. We like taking pictures, using technology, visiting new places, sharing time with friends and finding happiness in our own but similar ways.
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Carpet Seller in Morocco
My family has been selling carpets in this market for generations, but I do most of my business on my iPad nowAfter taking this candid portrait, I went over to chat to this gentleman who was engrossed in his tablet. He told me about how business had changed for him and how tourists were less interested in souvenirs from these markets. He proudly told me how he set up his online business and how much easier it was to make money this way. Another picture showing how we really live in a closer more united world.
A little girl from the Karen tribe.
Northern Thailand has given refuge to a lot of migrants from Burma in exchange for working in villages and local towns. The Karen tribe is famous for the brass rings worn on their necks as shown by this proud young girl.
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“Let me see my picture again!”
It’s a delight for photographers when kids love having their pictures taken. I spent some time with this Thai boy who was amazed that he could see himself on the back of my camera. Thailand really is the land of smiles!
The Old Bridge, Mostar, Bosnia
One of my favourite views ever. This is the old bridge in Mostar, Bosnia taken just as the sun had set. The UNESCO world heritage now thrives on tourists but has a recent history of war and destruction. To me, it’s a place straight out of a fairy tale and it’s hard to imagine people fighting around here.

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