

Introducing her latest single, “it’s milk, DON’T CRY!”, the multi-dimensional singer-songwriter Jessiqa Jones dives into a grunge-charged exploration of self. With electrifying guitar-driven instrumentals, the track encapsulates a raw surge of angst and introspection.

Speaking on the inspiration for the new release, Jessiqa shares; “The track “it’s milk, DON’T CRY!” emphasizes on the feeling of adolescence and consoling oneself by minimizing and downplaying the conflicts one faces in life. This song was one of the most meaningful songs I’ve ever written and most seemingly effortless to write. Going through so many changes in the time I wrote this, switching jobs, moving, and leaving everything that felt comfortable to me, I ended up writing a song in a genre I had grown up loving, but always felt dismissive of creating in. It wasn’t “comfortable” for me. Always hearing the phrase “Don’t cry over spilt milk.” has made it a super interesting quote to me just because I cry over everything, but also the Importance of turning your cheek to things that aren’t worth your time. But on the other side of things, it’s incredibly easy to do the same and substitute or push past roadblocks in life to keep moving forward. This song helped me learn a lot about myself and deal with things of the past, head on. To also make a song that I feel represents so much insecurity, it’s just brought a lot of sense of self.”

Returning with her first single since “Black Lung (Don’t Get U Hi)” in 2023, Jessiqa showcases her versatility and creative depth. “it’s milk, DON’T CRY!” stands as a testament to her evolution as an artist, marking a bold step into the grunge-infused territory while retaining her distinctive voice and introspective lyricism. As an emerging figure in the alternative music scene, Jessiqa Jones continues to captivate listeners with her boundary-pushing sound and profound self-expression.

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