

After landing Radio 1’s track of the week, Glass Caves have seen nothing but success. I challenge you to listen to one of their songs and not dance like a crazy person, singing at the top of your lungs. The ideal gig.

Think fiery vocals, striking guitars riffs and exploding drums.

I caught up with the lead singer Matt for a load of laughs and an update on their rock star lifestyle.

Firstly, who plays what?

Connor – Guitar

Matt – Vocals

Elliott – Drums

Will – Bassist

When did you guys first get together as a band?

It was 2012. I met the guitarist and drummer and they were already in a band but neither of them could sing. So, they asked me to join then the bassist joined later.

What was your first sign of success?

Well, we busked a lot in York which advertised our gigs. It was slow building at first but then we got track of the week on radio 1, which is when we started to sell out.

What are your influences in music? You sound a lot like Catfish and the Bottlemen… do you get that a lot?

We do yeah, but we hadn’t even heard their music, we kinda came out at like the same time. We like Strokes, Police, Chilli Peppers…guitar based bands. Also XTC – Making Plans for Nigel, check that out.

So, do you guys still busk now?

Well we started because we were strapped for cash and Will, the bassist said about busking. It was scary at first but we made £70 in 2 hours. The drummer caught wind of music making money so he came out with the drums and yeah, people just started to hear about our gigs. Now, we get a lot more recognition in York.

What’s the next big thing for you guys?

We have a single out on the 17th of March called Swim. We also have our biggest tour coming up including going to Plug in Sheffield which is 600 people. Our agent is also planning a German tour.

Shot by Pete Hugo
Why Germany?

Our agent has contacts in Germany and has been over there recently. Apparently Germany love rock music and German people are always saying “come over” and we kinda were like yeah will do but now we actually are which is cool.

Is being on tour and appearing at festivals everything you thought it would be?

Touring is great because you get to see the world. I say the world – UK. But you get to try all this great food. That’s the best – going out for a meal before a gig.

We usually get to the venue at about 4pm, get all the gear, set it up and then we’re usually not on until about 10pm so there’s loads of waiting around but I’m with my mates so it’s just a laugh. I couldn’t imagine being a single artist though.

My other half, she gets upset when I’m away for long periods, but the longest I’ve been away at the moment is a week a half.

I read that you self-funded your album Alive, how did you manage that?

We busked solid for 2 and a half months, every single day. I hated my life *laughing*.

We made £5 grand all in all.

Maybe I’ll start busking! Finally, if you could tour with any band, who would it be?

That’s a good question.

I thought so.

Well, Led Zeppelin are my favourite band ever. Hmm, Red Hot Chilli Peppers would be real fun. Have you seen the bassist? He’s crazy, it would be mad.

Shot by Andy Little


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