
Jeremy Combot

Jeremy Combot Bio

I am Jeremy Combot, young artist from France. I’ve been an illustrator since more than one year now and I am mainly focused on the exciting fashion world. I’m used to work with international and independent magazines and websites.

I like to work on the mix of genres, reflected through my work: unravel the periods of time (mainly 90’s) and trends to reconstruct a unique and personal look. My illustrations all have ‘Pop Culture’ for guideline. I am inspired  by very eclectic references: sometimes a chic and cool Saint-Germain-des-Prés Icon, sometimes a more Shoreditch neo-punk, or even a Kawaii Geisha doll-like… It is limitless.
I really enjoy drawing independent and powerful women and adding crazy colored patterns that make a quite eccentric style. Mixing patterns that are not supposed to fit at first sight makes my work very interesting and fun at the end.

I am a very traditional artist, I need to feel the pen on the paper, the smell of the ink that I use. Working on paper is also a work of patience. By using this medium I sometimes need one entire day just for an illustration. Because I like the process of it. I take the time for each character, and by inking and coloring, I imagine their life.

I don’t live through my characters, I invent them from A to Z.

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