
“Harmony Unveiled: The Musical Odyssey of Campbell/Jensen in ‘Turtle Cottage’

In the vibrant heart of the musical spectrum, where genres intertwine and creativity knows no bounds, emerges the captivating duo, Campbell/Jensen. Comprising the soulful talents of Ashley Campbell and Thor Jensen, this dynamic pairing has etched its mark with a debut album that beckons listeners into the enchanting realms of ‘Turtle Cottage.’

The genesis of this collaboration is as serendipitous as the melodies they weave. From chance encounters in the bustling streets of Nashville to the harmonious creation of their first song during a spell of quarantine, Ashley and Thor’s musical connection proved to be a symphonic destiny.

In an exclusive interview, we unravel the layers of their creative journey, exploring the origins of ‘Turtle Cottage,’ the duo’s diverse influences, and the tapestry of emotions woven into each track. From the serenity of a centuries-old cottage in Northern Ireland to the energetic stages of their UK and Ireland headline tour, Campbell/Jensen invite us into their world—a world where musicality meets storytelling, and every note resonates with shared experiences.

Join us as we delve into the heart and soul of ‘Turtle Cottage,’ discovering the tales behind the lyrics, the challenges faced in the recording studio, and the magnetic chemistry that defines their on and off-stage dynamics. Through this exploration, we aim to bring you closer to the essence of Campbell/Jensen’s music—an essence that transcends genres and connects listeners through a shared journey.

Embark on this musical odyssey with us, where the warmth of acoustic chords meets the depth of lyrical narratives. ‘Harmony Unveiled: The Musical Odyssey of Campbell/Jensen in ‘Turtle Cottage’ awaits your immersion.”

How did the collaboration between you two come about? 

Thor: I had just moved to Nashville, and was playing a gig with a great violinist named Derek Pell who’d just recorded a song with Ashely. Turns out she was looking for someone to teach her some gypsy jazz technique on the guitar, and Derek passed my number along. 

Ashley: We connected on a musical level right away. The idea to do something together came along pretty soon after that. 

Can you share the story behind the formation of Campbell/Jensen? 

Ashley: Thor had played a few shows around Nashville with me as the guitarist in my band. The more we talked, we found that we both had a similar desire to do something as a duo and it kind of happened naturally from there. We were quarantined together at Thor’s place with a bad bout of covid during Christmas of 2021 when we wrote our first song together, P&P. 

What inspired the title “Turtle Cottage” for your debut album?

Ashley: We wanted to make a record in a beautiful place that was removed from the hustle and bustle of daily life in Nashville. I had stayed at this gorgeous 250-year-old cottage with some friends a few years back and it struck me as the perfect place for us to create a body of music. The property is called “Turtle Cottage”. 

Could you describe the overall theme or message you aimed to convey through this album?

Ashley: The songs on this album were songs that Thor and I wrote together as our relationship developed, personally and as musical partners. I feel that the album on the whole embodies a feeling of hope that comes with new beginnings as well as the sense of peace that comes from knowing you’re with someone with whom you can ride out any storm. 

Your musical backgrounds are diverse. How did your experiences in Americana, country, bluegrass, gypsy jazz, and rock influence the sound of “Turtle Cottage”?

Ashley: It’s all there in the music. Those influences can’t help but show up in the writing. 

Thor: yeah, you can’t hide from yourself.

Can you take us through your songwriting and creative process for the album?

Ashley: Since the first song, writing with Thor has been a natural and easygoing process. Usually one would come to the other with an idea and we would both explore it together and by the end of the session we’d have a song. 

Thor: it’s a very “yes, and?” environment. There’s no wrong answer and it’s all about chasing the muse and letting the songs write themselves.

Were there specific challenges or breakthrough moments during the recording of “Turtle Cottage”?

Ashley: It definitely felt like a marathon with a sprint at the end. We’d done months of prep, not to mention over a year of writing the songs and then we recorded 12 songs in a week. The time sneaks up on you and you always wish you had more but I think we pulled it off! I’m quite proud of all the work we put in. 

Thor: as Ashley said, the biggest challenges were the limitations we placed on ourselves. Hitting that finish line felt incredible. 

“P&P” is the lead single from the album. What’s the story or inspiration behind this particular track?

Ashley: P&P was the first song Thor and I wrote together. I thought it fitting that it should be our first single from our first album. We wrote it while we were in quarantine both recovering from covid. The song is actually about our experience of having covid together but I think on a more personal level it reflects the joy muddled with the uncertainty that a new relationship can bring. “I don’t know if we’ll make it but it’s nice to have you near.” Trusting that you’ll get to where you’re meant to be together. Trusting that you’re together on the journey. 

How does P&P& represent the overall sound and style of the album?

Thor: Being the first song we ever wrote together, it definitely set the tone for what the rest of the album would look like: strong vocal harmonies and two instruments moving around the melodies together. 

What can audiences expect from your live performances, especially during the upcoming UK and Ireland headline tour?

Thor: We’ll be performing the entirety of “Turtle Cottage”, plus some other favourite songs of ours. We love to play live and feel most at home on stage.

Ashley: And it’s even more exciting for us because we get to see people’s response to the music and to us in real time. It’s such a thrilling part of being an artist to see your music being received in real-time. 

How does the dynamic between you two change when performing live compared to the studio? 

Ashley: We have a pretty steady dynamic on and of stage together. We love to make each other laugh so there’s always a playful element. But really my favourite part about playing with Thor on and off stage is that he is always listening and responding. So many people just play their part, but music is a living, breathing thing and sometimes it can surprise you and you need to always be alert and ready. 

Do you have any favourite tracks from “Turtle Cottage” and if so, why?

Ashley: I think we would both agree that “Perfectly Alright” is our favourite from the album. I also love “Run With You” for the message it conveys; to not let life get away from you because all we have is now. 

Thor: “Perfectly Alright” is a definite favourite, and I also love “At Long Last” for its story and its total simplicity.

Are there specific moments or lyrics on the album that hold special significance for you?

Ashley: One of my favourite lyrical moments is from the second verse of “Perfectly Alright”: “Wait a bit my darling, the mountain seems so steep. Even if we tumble down, it doesn’t kill to bleed. Everything’s fine. Everything’s perfectly alright.” The idea that there’s nothing so bad that you can’t come back from. 

You recorded the album at Turtle Cottage in Northern Ireland. How did the location influence the recording and the overall vibe of the album?

Thor: It was quite the experience working on the album. The cottage being quite old and isolated, we relied on an old wood stove for warmth and made many a meal crouched below the low ceilings in the kitchen. Our view was spectacular, and while we played songs we could see otters playing on the edge of the loch and cranes taking flight.

Ashley: Being in such a beautiful place was almost like being in some parallel world with the music. We were so far removed from our busy day-to-day lives that it felt like a beautiful dream. 

Were there any unique experiences or challenges in recording at Turtle Cottage?

Ashley: Well Thor got really good at lighting the wood stove by the end of the month! We pretty much spent all our time by that thing and even set up the mics around it to stay warm while we lived and recorded there. It was quite charming actually and refreshing to live more simply. I’ll go on the record and say that I can light the stove just fine but Thor did enjoy doing it so I wasn’t going to stand in the way of that! Haha. 

Who are some of your musical and non-musical inspirations that have influenced your work?

Ashley: I feel like I cast a wide net of musical tastes based on what mood I’m in. Django Reinhardt always puts me in a good mood. Lately, on my record player, I’ve been spinning Harry Nilsson, Julian Lage, David Bowie, Béla Fleck and St. Vincent’s album with David Byrne. I’ve also been very inspired lately by the words of Ernest Hemingway.

Thor: Some of my all-time favourites are Tom Waits, Django Reinhardt, and Bob Marley. Some folks I’ve gotten into more recently are Julian Lage, May Erlewine and Andy Schauf. 

Can you share a particularly memorable or funny moment from your journey as Campbell / Jensen so far?

Ashley: While making Turtle Cottage, we went to get groceries and got stuck in the mud of the single-lane road getting off the island. I got out to try and push the front of the car while Thor tried to reverse our way out. Sure enough, the tires flung mud right up into my face like in a movie. It even went up my nose! Luckily some nice electricians happened to drive by and gave us a helping hand. 

What are your plans for the future of Campbell/Jensen after the release of “Turtle Cottage”?

Thor: Well the next number of months we’ll be seeing a lot of time behind the wheel getting Turtle Cottage out there and on stage. We’re very excited about sharing it on as many stages as possible. We each also have individual projects in the works. I’m in the process of recording a jazz record which I started this summer in the States, and am hoping to finish by year’s end. 

Ashley: Exactly. The next few months are Turtle Cottage all the way. I’ve also got a new album that’s nearly finished that I hope to release sometime in 2024. And of course we are already talking about ideas for a second Campbell/Jensen album!

Are there any collaborations or projects on the horizon that you’re excited about?

Thor: We had the distinct honor of having the Irish singer Rachel Grace sing some harmony with us on the record, for our song called “Perfectly Alright”. We’d love to write a song with her and maintain that relationship. She’s a phenomenal artist beyond her years. 

Ashley: I believe she will be opening for us at our show in Clonakilty, Ireland at De Barra’s on November 19th. 

How do you hope listeners will connect with “Turtle Cottage” and what emotions or experiences do you want them to take away from the album?

Ashley: We hope the music will mean something to our listeners and become a part of the soundtrack to their lives. That’s the beauty of music is that we find that we are not alone and connect through each other’s experiences

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