
Party of One: MORGAN

‘Sanctuary’, a timely track about ‘home’ being a place created by your loved ones, is the newest vibey track from 20-year-old MORGAN. Following on from her feature on Rudimental’s track ‘Mean That Much’, the track is both intimate and a perfect club number, when they reopen of course. We spoke to MORGAN over email about what she’s been listening to in lockdown and celebrating her 20th birthday in quarantine. 

At a time where staying connected is more important than ever, House of Solo has launched ‘Party of One’, a series providing intimate insight into how your favourite artists are dealing with isolation and what we can expect from them during lockdown. 

First of all, how are you holding up? 

I’m good, thank you! It’s been an interesting time! I’m trying to keep on top of things, mentally. I’ve been doing workouts every day to keep my mind at ease and writing music. That’s not to say I don’t have my tough days – it has been an adventure and emotional rollercoaster!

How is lockdown treating you? Have you managed to get into a routine or is lockdown harder for you now we’ve been doing it a while?

I honestly thought that lockdown would be more difficult than it has been, the only thing that’s gone really wrong for me is my body clock. Other than that, I’ve been staying well. I’ve been trying to eat correctly, do a workout once a day and keep on top of my vocals. Although it’s a difficult time, I’m really trying to embrace the break. Because when I come back after all this is over – I’m going to come back harder than ever!

What does a regular day look like for you, and can you describe your space a little?

My regular day during quarantine is very relaxed. I have a piano in my room so I practice a lot, as well as doing vocal warm-ups. I also have a mini studio set up in my room so I’m able to write and record. I don’t really get up to too much other than that though. Netflix is definitely a go-to right now! I’m binge watching Money Heist at the moment – I’m stuck on it!

You’ve just released the track ‘Sanctuary’, which has the message of how love can create a sense of home. Has this feeling been intensified for you during lockdown?

100% – being around your loved ones or the person that you love at this time is very important. A time like this makes you realise that life isn’t about materialistic things but more about memories and sharing quality time with your family. Being away from everybody has made me want to be around them even more, but that’s natural I think and it’s something we all have to deal with. I just can’t wait for the moment that we can all socialise properly again – it’s going to be so beautiful!

What tracks have you had on replay while in lockdown?

There is one specific song that I discovered not too long ago – it’s been out for a while but for some reason I hadn’t heard it until recently. It’s called ‘Switch’ by 6lack and I am absolutely obsessed with it. I’ve been playing it all day every day! It’s so therapeutic and it puts me in the right headspace. I love 6lack and always have!

I’ve been watching a few of your mashups, they’re great! If you had to mashup some songs which represent your different feelings during lockdown, which ones would you choose?

“Ambition” by Wale featuring Meek Mill & Rick Ross

“Diamonds” by Rihanna 

“Aston Martin Music” by Rick Ross featuring Drake & Chrisette Michele

“Get It Together” by India Arie 

These songs definitely represent my headspace right now, as well as just being some of my favourite songs. They are just so relaxing and that’s how I’ve been trying to feel during this pandemic.

Has it been a particularly creative time for you? What have you found inspires you while you’re staying indoors?

There have been days where I’ve felt really creative and there have been days where all I want to do is sit and watch Netflix – I think it’s a natural and healthy balance. I think looking at people on social media and how they are handling this time has inspired me. It seems like a lot of people are trying to make the most of a really crap situation and still hone their craft and develop new skills. It helps push me to be more productive. 

There seems to have emerged two types of people during lockdown, those who are being crazy productive and the others who are very happy taking the time to slow down and relax. Both attitudes are completely valid! Which best describes your own experience? 

For me it has been from one extreme to the other, I feel like I’m creative some days and chilled out on others. For those that can obviously, it’s a really good time to embrace the break. If you ask your grandparents and your parents, if they’ve ever had a break in their life, they will tell you that they haven’t. That is not to say I completely understand that things are so tragic right now, and I pray for everybody who is suffering. My mum’s a doctor and it has been non-stop for her. I definitely cannot wait for this all to be over. 

People seem to have made lots of videos to your tracks on TikTok – what’s your favourite fan video?

The very fact that anybody is making a TikTok video to my songs makes me so happy. I think one of the ones that stands out for me is one where this young girl is dancing to my song. She is popping and locking – and is so advanced at it! I’ve danced my whole life and love watching other people’s choreography. It’s a massive plus when it’s to one of my own songs! 

As we move towards the potential end of lockdown, what are your feelings as you reflect on the period? Has it taught you anything about yourself?

Lockdown has taught me a lot of things! It’s taught me that I am more mentally strong than I thought I was – honestly I thought I was going to crumble during this time. Mental health is such a big and important part of everybody’s life and I hope everybody learns about and understands theirs as much as I did mine.

You had your 20th birthday in quarantine! How did you celebrate? 

I was dreading my birthday, if I’m honest. My 20th birthday was always something I was looking forward to and I thought it was going to be a disaster. I really love birthdays! But it was actually amazing – I woke up to balloons, and cake, lots of decorations and people I love. If anything it felt more special knowing such a huge effort had been put in even during this time.

What are you looking forward to most when this is all over? 

I cannot wait to go to Nando’s and get my half chicken, chips and halloumi. I also cannot wait to go see my family and friends, have barbecues and the best time. Everybody has felt so trapped, and when we are allowed out again the celebrations are going to be insane!

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