
Party of One: Emma Steinbakken

At a time where staying connected is more important than ever, House of Solo has launched ‘Party of One’, a series with a selfie providing intimate insight into how your favourite artists are dealing with isolation and what we can expect from them during lockdown. 

For our first session of the series, we have been chatting over email with Emma Steinbakken, a 17-year-old artist who has already gone platinum in her home country of Norway with her debut single: ‘Not Gonna Cry’. Refreshingly direct, the artist states: “I do pop music”. However, her lyrics betray something much more nuanced, mixing the melancholic with the empowering, this young artist’s husky voice dominates over delicate keys and weighty percussion to bring you something all her own. Her angsty single: ‘Let’s Blow our Feelings up with Dynamite’ is out today. 

First of all, how are you feeling?

Hi! I get very bored in isolation, but I totally understand why it needs to be like this. I’m trying to find new and creative sides within me, and really get to know them. I’ve always thought that I´m not good at using my hands to produce anything creative, but during the last few weeks I have found so much joy in painting! I love seeing the painting develop and becoming something. But I am really looking forward to the day I can hang out with my friends again.

Describe your surroundings, what are you seeing everyday?

 I am at home EVERY day, being home schooled online. Then I go for one or two walks, just to get fresh air and just move a little.

What does your daily routine look like?

 My daily routine is: home school from 9am to 3pm, then I spend a lot of time making something to eat, go for a stroll, talk to my friends on FaceTime and watch Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix until I go to bed.

You’re releasing new music on April 3rd, tell us about it and how you’ve had to adapt the promotion of it since the outbreak of Covid-19?

Yey! This Friday we are releasing a new song! I’ve been looking forward to that for a long time, even though I would love to celebrate it with my friends and team as we usually do. I wrote the song with Jonny Coffer, he´s British. It’s really cool, because I’m not usually a fan of just going into a studio with new producers or people I don’t know that well, but when the first time I met Jonny we just clicked. ‘Let’s Blow our Feelings up with Dynamite’ is the first song we made together. Covid-19 means I can’t go out doing interviews and stuff, but I’m doing a lot of them over the phone, and the rest just have to wait.

Has this time allowed you to be more introspective or creative?

 Yeah, I think so. I have after all started to paint!

How has it changed the interactions with your fans?

I can’t do shows, I feel really bad about that. I was supposed to have a lot of shows in May, but they are cancelled. But I am trying to answer all messages and I chat with people, I really like that. My followers are so kind ❤️

How has juggling music and school changed since learning moved online? 

I think the balance between school and music is harder now, actually, then it was when I physically went to school. There’s a lot more required from the students now, everything has to be done and the teachers are actually following up! But that’s what is necessary if I really want to do both music and school. 

What’s been the best new thing you’ve discovered while in isolation?

Sons Of Anarchy!!!! I usually don’t like watching series, but this one I really love! Check it out!

How are you staying connected with friends and family? 

I use FaceTime and messages. Snap too, hahah.

So you are still set to play some UK festivals this year, what are they and what other plans have you got for the future? 

The May shows are postponed or cancelled, unfortunately. But I will come back this Fall to do festivals and then I will come back supporting Astrid S on her European Tour! Really looking forward to that! I just want to make a lot of good music and go out and play! 

What are you looking forward to?

I am really looking forward to seeing and hanging with my friends again, like we used to. And I want to go back to the studio and play shows. PS! Take care of each other, and spread the love! Hugz!

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