
Feature Interview with KillerStar: Soaring Through Musical Galaxies

In the ever-expanding universe of music, certain constellations emerge, promising a journey beyond the ordinary. KillerStar, a dynamic duo comprising Rob and James, has illuminated this celestial landscape with their upcoming debut album. Stepping into the orbit of their musical cosmos, we explore the inspirations, collaborations, and unique sonic tapestry that define the essence of KillerStar. Recently unveiling their second single, “Falling Through,” the duo shares insights into the creation of a universe where modernist touches intertwine with classic harmonies, guided by the influence of legendary collaborators associated with David Bowie. Join us as we prepare to soar through galaxies of sound, discovering the magic that awaits in KillerStar’s eagerly anticipated debut.

Thank you for joining us today, Rob and James. Let’s dive into the exciting world of KillerStar and your upcoming debut album. “Falling Through” has just been released as your second single, and it’s being described as an ambitious adventure of a track. Can you share the inspiration behind the song and what listeners can expect? 

Thank you, very happy to talk with you!  

‘Falling Through’ is quite reflective, about a moment in time and finding tranquillity and taking in the surroundings, the ocean, sky, and sun. The song is really a song of two halves which recalls the likes of Pink Floyd in the way that it begins as a ballad but builds, with some heavy twists, before taking off on a journey into the cosmos via an evocative, soaring saxophone solo from Donny McCaslin and moving to a heavy, rhythmic outro.  Donny was a key a contributor to David Bowie’s ‘Blackstar’ album and is an incredible, exciting talent.  

The track has been remixed as an alternative version by Mark Plati, one of Bowie’s key collaborators. How did this collaboration come about, and how does the alternative version differ from the one that will be featured on your debut album? 

We were thrilled to have Mark collaborate with us on several ‘reimagined’ versions of the album tracks. Mark contributed beyond a remix, he did additional production work and a new mix.  This alternative, single version had a few differences in terms of the structure of where the incredible Donny McCaslin sax solo appears and the album version is longer in terms of the outro.

Your debut single, ‘Should’ve Known Better,’ introduced KillerStar’s sound, blending modernist touches with classic harmonies and exemplary musicianship. How did the creative process unfold for your self-titled debut album, and how did the collaboration with musicians known for their work with David Bowie influence the overall direction? 

Thank you!  Well, the songs were fully written and we recorded full demos of every song before the collaboration with the musicians who worked with David Bowie.  We did not deliberately set out with the intention of asking those musicians to play on the album but one thing led to another and there was some incredible synchronicity which started with Bowie’s former backing vocalist Emm Gryner who then introduced us to other Bowie alumni who liked what they heard and came onboard to play on the album.  In the end 

David Bowie’s most trusted collaborators played throughout the album: Mike Garson on piano, Earl Slick and Mark Plati on guitar, Gail Ann Dorsey and Tim Lefebvre on bass, Emm Gryner on backing vocals, and Donny McCaslin on saxophone

We were blown away by the engagement of those players and the energy they put into recording their parts.  Each brought a flavour to the songs with their playing and the combinations of Earl Slick playing on a song with Mike Garson with Gail Ann Dorsey added a lot to the vibe of the song. 

The album launch show at London’s 100 Club on March 16th is undoubtedly a significant event. What can fans expect from the live performance, and how does it feel to bring KillerStar’s music to the stage? 

We are so excited to play the album live for the first time.  For the gig, we have a number of the musicians who played on the album alongside the core of KillerStar (myself and James) – Earl Slick, Mark Plati and Emm Gryner will be in the band for the gig.  Along with Dom Beken (Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets). 

The array of Bowie collaborators on your album is impressive. Can you share any memorable moments or insights from working with these seasoned musicians, and how did their contributions shape the overall sound of KillerStar? 

All the guest musicians were so engaged with the project and a joy to work with. The parts they recorded were so exciting to hear, for instance in our new single ‘Falling Through’, Donny provided multiple harmonised sax parts for the choruses, along with extra phrases throughout the song, ending with such a beautiful solo. Earl recorded many guitar parts, including a wonderful E-Bow guitar introduction. Emm’s backing vocals lift the choruses so much, her vocal parts were so organised with extra harmonies and hooks. Mike’s piano part is so reflective and interesting and Tim’s bass is powerful and drives the song perfectly synced with James’ drum parts. This song is quite an epic!

During your breaks from music, how do you typically spend your time? 

Well, typically listening to music (live and records), working on other music projects (live and recording) and running a Record Label called Vintage League Music with a sub-label High Wire Records.  Outside of music – spending time with family. 

Finally, for our listeners who are eager to get their hands on your debut album, where can they pre-order it, and what formats will be available? 

The album will be released on vinyl, CD and digital formats. The vinyl (limited gold and black) and CD are available now for pre-order via our label’s website: 

Thank you both for taking the time to share insights into KillerStar and the upcoming album. We wish you all the best.

Thanks so much for having us!  Its been a pleasure.

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